Monday, March 1, 2010

Drown, Maybe

"All right, you lot, shut yer pie holes and shift yer hearin' up here.  I got somthin' ter say.  You all know me.  I 'aven't got ter be Captain fer just sittin' around.  If I 'ave, well, yer can stuff me right now.  But it ain't so ye can't.  I been on the sea a wile now, and let me tell yer, I've seen my share of storms.  An' it got me ter thinkin'.  I ain't an over critical like man, but i noticed some o' the way yer younger one's 'ave been acting of late, an, well, i realized that i need ter put a stop to it.  So, me not bein' very elo-quaint with me words, an' all, I commissioned a painter gal, ter paint me up a picture ter show ye what i mean.  There it is."

"It's just that this is a rendering of a moment we 'ave ter face every day.  I'm dead as yesterday's shrimp serious. It's like, this here boat, much as i love her, she ain't half strong enough ter carry us through more'n a pair of the storms we been through this week alone.  There's somethin' else goin' on.  Now, i'm not sayin if yer ignore it, you'll die.  Or even if you flat out choose not to look up, it's not like, oh wow, thar she goes! No.  It's more like a lot o' fear and shipwreck and slavery and drowning, maybe. Just not good.  So look up every day, take nothin' fer granted.  All right, I'm done. Go on, get."

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