Sunday, August 15, 2010

Great Documentaries Act II

I wouldn't recommend these if they were lame, so watch them all. Straight up.

Kurt Cobain: About a Son (R) A rare audio interview with Cobain juxtaposed with related film and photos.

Kurt and Courtney (R) While interesting, just take it for what it's worth.  It was canceled before it's complete so the final message is unclear. About the bizarre relationship between Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love.

My Kid Could Paint That (PG-13) About a toddler artist who makes paintings that rival the masters of abstract art.

This Film is Not Yet Rated (NC-17) Warning: Very graphic sexual content and language.  About censorship in America and the control of ideas through film by anonymous people.

Hype! (R) Notes on the Punk and Grunge Scene in Seattle and the business of selling out.  The "Beautiful Loosers" of music.

The Botany of Desire (G) Who's really in control? Us or them?And possibly more important, who's them?

Between the Folds (G) A look at the obscure masters of Oragami and how it has changed the world in Art, Science, Logic, and Wonder.

Art 21 (Episodes range from G-R) People pushing the borders of art.

This American Life (PG) America, meet America, your cooler cousin.

This Emotional Life (PG) An areal view of how relationships, romantic, family, and friend, work and how they affect our lives.  

X-Games: The Movie (PG-13) This one and 'Kurt and Courtney' are the weakest as far as message, but both are still worth watching, because of their remarkable content.  This one profiles some of extreme sport's most unexplainable figures.  People who do something impossible, until they break themselves, then get up and do it again. 

This list is shorter because a lot of the docs I've watched lately have been real duds.  Still, these are top notch.

Untitled Poem #1

I wake up in the morning
I open up the blinds
I stair into the sun's eyes
An he stairs into mine
I cannot
The expression on his face
But even when he's smiling
I feel I'm in disgrace