Friday, May 28, 2010

Great Documentaries

The Beautiful Loosers (R) Indie Street Art

Dear Zachary (R) A Letter to a Boy About His Murdered Father

Religulous (R) Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, Jewish Religion

Jesus Camp (PG) Christianity

Hell House (R) Radical Christianity

Who the $#%& is Jackson Pollock (PG-13) A Woman Takes on The Man

Dreams With Sharp Teeth (R) A Biopic on Author Harlan Ellison

Jackson Pollock: Love and Death (PG) Biopic on Artist Jackson Pollock

Food Inc. (PG-13) The Truth Behind The American Kitchen

Super Size Me (R) Oh, McDonalds...

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride (R) Biopic on Author Hunter S. Tomson

It Might Get Loud (PG) The Electric Guitar as Seen Through the Eyes of Jimmy Page, The Edge, and Jack White

New York Doll (PG-13) A Look at Arthur Kane from the New York Dolls

Dog Town and The Z-Boys (PG-13) A Look At the Birth of Skateboarding

Very Young Girls (R) Prostitution and The Sex Trade in America

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Love Bach

Dear Crystal,

First of all, I love you.  I guess i feel that just needs to be said out front, and hopefully, by the end of this letter, some remnant of those words and their meaning will have stayed with you.  You're great and i wish i could have stayed. 

You know how you're in the park and everyone's all around, and it's summer and it's warm and balls are flying and the smell of steak on the grill, and it feels like it's been going forever and it's so great it'll never stop?  And then, it's over and you leave and the car is quiet.  And you go home and it's even quieter.  And when you crawl into bed alone, it's quieter still. So quiet it feels like someone's howling.

Well, that's how i feel right now.  But there was no way i could stay.  Not with what i had left behind back home.  It's like, my whole life i've been just moving and harvesting life and moving and leaving behind the 'dull parts'.  Like i think i'm in a movie or something.  Like i'm a stray.

But you, man, your so stable, so honest, you give back and, oh, man, you're so beautiful.  But i could see you where starting to have some feelings for me, and, i couldn't do that to you.  I've got stuff I have to deal with back home.  My brother, he's, well, he's sick.  He's fourteen and defendant reaching the end of his health.  They're actually surprised he lived this long. But I need to make things right with him.

I hope some day we'll meat again. I'll never forget your beautiful brown eyes.  On the back of this letter is a map, follow it, you'll find i left a small treasure buried in the garden. 

Love, Bach

PS. I knew the reason you wouldn't talk to me that first was because of my name, and you can blame Tom for that.  He tells everyone that when he first saw he thought i looked smart enough to write an opera.  And you know, all that noise does grow on you.  Sometimes i sit under a tree and chew a bone in time.